Technological line for the production of sunflower cake


Priporov Igor1ORCID


1. FSBEI HE “Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin


The results of a study conducted to increase the shelf life of sunflower cake by substantiating the optimal operating parameters of the ozonator in the line for its production are presented. Studies of the processing of sunflower cake with an ozone-air mixture at optimal operating parameters, such as its concentration, the duration of its processing and the intensity of the high-frequency field, have been performed. The aim of the research is to increase the long-term storage of protein feed by improving the basic design parameters of the device for its production. As a result of the theoretical research carried out, a technological line for the production of protein feed was developed according to the patent for the invention of the Russian Federation No. 2706188. To determine the optimal operating parameters of the device in the sunflower cake production line, which affect its shelf life, the theory of experimental planning was used. A regression equation in coded values is obtained, characterizing the effect of the concentration of the ozone-air mixture, the duration of its treatment and the intensity of the high-frequency field on its shelf life. The analysis of the obtained mathematical model of the processing process is performed. Experimental studies of the developed line for the production of sunflower cake with quality control of its treatment with an ozone-air mixture have shown that its shelf life depends on its concentration and the duration of its processing, as well as on the intensity of the high-frequency field. At the same time, with a decrease in its concentration, the duration of its processing and the intensity of the high-frequency field during its processing increase. In the area of low concentration, increased duration up to 120 s and intensity up to 15250 V / m, the shelf life of the cake increases. It is rational to process sunflower cake with a mixture to increase its shelf life from 3 to 5.45 months according to GOST 80-96 in the developed line under RF patent No. 2706188 at a concentration of 23.03 mg / m3, its processing time of 134 s and a high-frequency field strength of 17374 V/m.


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