Analysis of epidemiological situation for human dirofilariasis in Astrakhan Region


Nikeshina T. V.ORCID,Kiseleva A. A.ORCID,Arakelyan R. S.ORCID,Okunskaya E. I.ORCID,Sivtsova L. A.ORCID,Kurbangalieva A. R.ORCID,Arakelyants O. A.ORCID,Abylkairov Sh. K.ORCID,Raimova A. B.ORCID,Saulebaeva G. A.ORCID,Bocharnikova A. A.ORCID


Objective. To carry out the retrospective and operative analysis of the epidemiological situation regarding human dirofilariosis in Astrakhan Region for the period from 1951 to 2019. Materials and methods. Eighty-one epidemiological maps of persons infected with dirofilaria as well as case histories of ambulatory patients of Helminthological Center were analyzed. Results. In total, during the analyzed period (from 1951 to 2019), 81 local cases of human dirofilariae infection were registered in Astrakhan Region. The largest number of dirofilariasis cases was observed in the late 90s early 2000s 63 % (n = 51). The largest number of dirofilariasis cases was registered in 2000 and 2002 13.6 % (n = 11) and 11.1 % (n = 9), respectively. The age of the patients ranged from 11 months to 78 years. Thus, dirofilariasis was registered mainly in the adult population 84 % (n = 68). Children aged 11 months to 17 years accounted for 16 % (n = 13) of all cases of dirofilariasis. Helminth was localized both in the eye area 44.4 % (n = 36), and out of 55.6 % (n = 45). At extra-ocular localization of the parasite, helminth was localized in the lower extremities 11.1 % (n = 5), in the head 42.2 % (n = 19), in the chest 11.1 % (n = 5), in the abdomen and face 2.2 % for each (n = 1), in the upper extremities 17.8 % (n = 8). In most cases, incorrect diagnoses were made 77.8 %. All the described cases were local patients did not leave Astrakhan Region. The diagnosis of dirofilariasis was made based on the data of the clinical picture, epidemiological history and data from laboratory blood tests. Conclusions. Thus, the problem of dirofilariasis remains relevant today, as evidenced by new cases of human disease; the main location is the area of the eyelids, orbit and scalp; dirofilariasis was more often observed in women due to the fact that, unlike men, they are more careful about their appearance; characteristic signs of dirofilariosis are hyperemia, edema, pain at the location of helminth as well as the migration of the parasite under the skin; in most cases, incorrect diagnoses are made.


ECO-Vector LLC

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