Objective. To study the parasitic contamination of the soil in Astrakhan Region based on the materials of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Astrakhan Region for 20162020.
Materials and methods. The research work was carried out on the basis of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, the Sanitary Department of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Astrakhan Region as well as the Department of Rospotrebnadzor in Astrakhan Region.
Results. In total, during the analyzed period, 4243 soil samples were selected and examined from various places in the territory of Astrakhan Region, 8486 studies were performed. The number of samples, which do not meet sanitary and parasitological standards, was 5.6 % (237 samples). The samples of soil were taken in places, regulated by normative documents, according to instructions of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor in Astrakhan Region including places of crop production (collective farms, state farms, agricultural lands) 1.7 % (71 samples), the zone of industrial enterprises, transport highways, places of application of pesticides and mineral fertilizers 4.7 % (198 samples), the territories of livestock complexes and farms 3.7 % (157 samples), the residential zone (the territory intended for residential, public (public-business) and recreational zones as well as separate parts of engineering and transport infrastructure, other objects, the placement and activity of which does not have an impact requiring special sanitary protection zones) 86.8 % (3682 samples), including the territory of children's institutions and playgrounds (kindergartens, orphanages) 83.5 % (3076 samples) of the number of all the examined selected and investigated samples from the residential zone, places of locations of water sources 0.8 % (36 samples) as well as the territories of other objects of supervision (medical and preventive institutions, beaches, places for development etc.) 2.3 % (99 samples).
Conclusions. Contamination of the soil with eggs and larvae of geohelminths (toxocara eggs and strongylid larvae) indicates contamination of these objects with feces of invaded animals (the role of stray animals (dogs) in soil contamination is not excluded). The contamination of the soil with eggs of ascaris, opisthorchis, oncospheres of teniids and cysts of amoebas suggests that these objects are contaminated with sewage water resulting from accidents.
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