The role of society in public administration in the field of environmental protection. Global problems of our time. Part I


Sapunov Valentin B.,Zharikov Mikhail V.ORCID


The need for environmental protection is based on the assumption that environmental degradation harms humans and hinders economic development. However, the real resolution of the contradiction between the economy and nature in the field of environmental protection causes certain difficulties, as evidenced by the growing threat to environmental safety in the world. We invite readers to discuss the materials of our analysis and a general assessment of the global problems of our time and possible ways for the further development of mankind. The author grouped them in a number of areas: the essence and classification of the main problems of our time; the origins of the global problems of our time; possible consequences of a nuclear war; theories of Global crises and Cornucopia; the concepts of Sustainable Development, Golden Billion, 10 Golden Billions; the problem of the relationship between the social and the biological in man. Based on the results of the discussion, we hope to determine the role of the state, man and society as a whole, their level of interaction in developing solutions for the preservation of the environment and humanity as a species at the present stage of its development.


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Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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