BACKGROUND: The widespread use of radiation sources in medical practice (cardio-endovascular surgery, endoscopy, traumatology, urology, neurosurgery, dentistry, and radioisotope diagnostics departments) leads to irradiation of the lens of the eye and the skin of the hands. The introduction of new recommendations by the IAEA to reduce the limit of the annual equivalent dose to the lens (20 mSv) has led to an inaccurate dose assessment based on the effective dose.
AIM: To analyze approaches and assess equivalent doses of irradiation of the lens of the eye and skin of the hands of medical personnel during various diagnostic studies under the influence of X-rays and radiopharmaceuticals studies and to compare the results obtained with previously published data.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thermo-luminescent dosimetry was used. Dose assessment was performed by cardio-endovascular surgery, endoscopy, isotope diagnostics, dentistry, and urology personnel.
RESULTS: The estimated annual equivalent doses to the lens of the eye for doctors of cardio-endovascular surgery departments, in most cases, ranging 3590 mSv, 619 mSv for the average medical staff (in some cases, the doctor [225 mSv] and the nurse [180 mSv]) and 4.59 mSv for the staff of the department of radioisotope diagnostics. The annual calculated equivalent doses to the skin of the hands for cardio-endovascular surgery personnel were 17100 and 24220 mSv for the staff working with radiopharmaceuticals. It is shown that the use of an estimate of the average dose per operation by cardio-endovascular surgery doctors, as a rule, inevitably leads to an excess of the equivalent dose to the lens of the eye after a certain number of operations.
CONCLUSION: When a certain number of operations are exceeded (100200), equivalent doses to the eyes lens in cardio-endovascular surgery doctors above 20 mSv per year can be formed. At current radiation levels, a lesion of the eyes lens was found in a cardio-endovascular surgery doctor. The results indicate the need for further dosimetric measurements and epidemiological studies, based on which recommendations for radiation protection of the eyes lens and the skin of the hands of medical personnel working in low-intensity, scattered, gamma X-ray radiation can be developed.
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