Biochemistry is a living source of new ideas in the past, present and future (to the 90th anniversary of the department of biological chemistry St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University)


Litvinenko Lyubov A.,Ramenskaya Natalia P.,Batotsyrenova Ekaterina G.


Research traditions and the main directions of pedagogical activity of the faculty of the department were formed under the influence of scientists and teachers who worked at the department for 90 years in different years. Under the leadership of the first head of the department prof. L.T. Soloviev scientific research was devoted to the study of the structure of proteins and amino acid composition, and subsequently age-related features of metabolic processes in normal and pathological conditions. Muscle tissue proteins, their fractional composition in ontogenesis and under the influence of various factors were studied under the guidance of two professors I.I. Ivanov and V.A. Yuriev. With prof. N.I. Lopatina scientific topics were devoted to the study of age-related features of the composition of hemoglobin and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in normal conditions and in a number of diseases. With prof. L.A. Danilova, the direction of research remained the same. A large amount of material has been accumulated on the antioxidant system and peroxidation in various pathologies. Currently, under the guidance of the head of the department Dr. Sci. (Med.) V.A. Kashuro staff continue to study changes in the antioxidant system under various influences (neurotoxicants, heavy metals) in combination with changing physical environmental factors. The invaluable pedagogical experience of the staff of the department makes it possible to transfer the accumulated scientific potential to younger generations in practical classes, at meetings of the student scientific society, in preparing students for Olympiads in biochemistry, and in teaching postgraduates. 10 doctors of sciences, more than 70 candidates of sciences have been prepared, more than 800 articles, 2 textbooks, a handbook on laboratory methods of research, about 50 teaching and methodical manuals have been published for 90 years. The Department of Biological Chemistry of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University has preserved the legacy of the past and is ready for new modern challenges.


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Reference64 articles.

1. Babachenko IV, Timchenko VN, Kaplina TA, et al. Rol’ perekisnogo okisleniya lipidov i antioksidantnoi zashchity v patogeneze koklyusha u detei. Pediatrics Journal named after G.N. Speransky. 2006;85(3):24–29. (In Russ.)

2. Batotsyrenova EG. Vliyanie endogennykh i ekzogennykh modifikatorov na aktivnost’ Na+, K+-ATFazy [dissertation]. Saint Petersburg; 2005. (In Russ.)

3. Batocyrenova EG, Kashuro VA, Ivanov MB, et al. Changes in the indicators of energy metabolism in the conditions of desynchronosis. Acta Naturae (Russian version). 2016; S1:182. (In Russ.)

4. Batotsyrenova EG, Kashuro VA. Vozmozhnosti farmakologicheskoi korrektsii kognitivnykh narushenii izmenenii svetovogo rezhima. Forcipe. 2022;5(S2):66–67. (In Russ.)

5. Basharina OB, Chaika NA, Danilova LA, et al. Nekotorye pokazateli metabolizma u detei s epilepsiei. Fundamental’nye i prikladnye aspekty sovremennoi biokhimii. Proceedings of the Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Biochemistry of St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov. Saint Petersburg; 1998. P. 569–572. (In Russ.)

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