External study possibilities of a dead body solution about the death occurrence from psychotropic and narcotic drug poisoning


Travenko Elena N.ORCID,Porodenko Valeriy A.ORCID


Background: Poisoning with psychotropic and narcotic substances is still leads to the general structure of fatal intoxications. A decreased traditional psychotropic and narcotic drug fatal poisoning and an increased new synthetic psychoactive substances and combined consumption are recorded in the country. Aims: This study aimed to study the dynamics of drug poisoning incidence according to the annual report data in 20172020 in the Krasnodar territory and establish their predominant etiology. Analyze the medical literature and identify the data mostly described during the external examination that suggests narcotic drug exposure possibility of the body. Comparison of the literature and external examination results of the corpse from the Expert Conclusions (Acts of forensic medical research) to further use the signs to create a profile of the suspected poisoned corpse with narcotic substances. Material and methods: The study material includes the annual reports of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Bureau SME of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory in 20172020, archival medical documentation autopsy reports in cases of death from narcotic substances; domestic and foreign literary sources. Results: In the Krasnodar Territory, opiates account for a large proportion of drug deaths. Psychotropic and narcotic drug intake is often (up to 30%) combined with alcohol consumption. The study showed that forensic pathology rarely uses external signs that make up the profile of a corpse suspected of drug poisoning at the initial stage. The most common signs (in 50% of cases) were: injection traces, cyanotic and flushed face, conjunctival hemorrhages, and whitish-pink foam in the nose or mouth openings. Others were not given due attention. Conclusion: The research topic dictates the need for further study and problem development, accumulation, and systematization of the obtained material for subsequent use.


ECO-Vector LLC


Law,Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Anatomy

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