Ciclosporin use for prevention of pterygium recurrence


Bochkareva Anna N.ORCID,Kolenko Oleg V. ORCID,Egorov Victor V.ORCID,Smoliakova Galina P.ORCID,Banshchikov Pavel A.ORCID


BACKGROUND: Despite the development of new methods for treatment of pterygium, the frequency of its recurrence ranges from 5 to 89%. AIM: Was to evaluate the effectiveness of ciclosporin for prevention of pterygium recurrence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Under follow-up, there were 104 patients operated for pterygium, of which 26 had a high risk of recurrence, they were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group 13 patients received 0.05% ciclosporin in addition to basic therapy; the 2nd group 13 patients receiving only basic therapy. Patients of studied groups were under dynamic observation for 1 year. RESULTS: After 3 months, all patients of the 1st group showed normalization of the osmolarity of the lacrimal fluid (OLF) and the ocular surface disease index (OSDI). In patients of the 2nd group, elevated values of OLF and OSDI remained characterizing the persistence of an inflammatory reaction signs and a high risk of the disease recurrence, as well as the formation of a hypertrophic scar in 38.5% of cases. In one year after surgery, 3 patients of group 2 had a recurrent pterygium, which required surgical retreatment. CONCLUSIONS: We obtained results showing a positive effect of ciclosporin use on dynamics of inflammatory reactions of the ocular surface in postoperative period, which made it possible to prevent pterygium recurrence after its surgical treatment in patients with high risk of recurrence.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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