Kobyakov D. S,Klimachev V. V,Avdalyan A. M,Bobrov I. P,Lazarev A. F
Investigated argyrophilic proteins associated with nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NOR proteins) and Ki-67 antigen in lung adenocarcinoma. Defined tumor with low and high content of Ag-NOR proteins and proliferation index (PI) Ki-67. The content of Ag-NOR proteins had a relationship with the clinical and morphological parameters: parameters T, N, tumor size to 3 cm or more, stage of the disease. Survival of patients with lung adenocarcinoma is better in tumors with a low content of Ag-NOR proteins or PI Ki-67. High survival rate associated with low content of Ag-NOR proteins and PI Ki-67, low - with high content of Ag-NOR proteins and PI Ki-67, intermediate - with opposite values of the content of Ag-NOR proteins and PI Ki-67. Tumor size, parameter N and content of Ag-NOR proteins had an independent effect on survival. In lung adenocarcinoma with no metastasis to lymph nodes survival related to the size of the tumor, with metastases - with content of Ag-NOR proteins. Mutual study of Ag-NOR proteins and antigen Ki-67 has differential diagnostic and prognostic value in lung adenocarcinoma.
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