Pediatric orthopedics and traumatology: The future begins today


Baindurashvili Alexey G.ORCID,Kenis Vladimir M.ORCID


Advances in pediatric orthopedics and traumatology have certain patterns that originate in fundamental research and continue in the latest technologies. This article presents the views of the authors on the development of the most promising strategic trends in pediatric orthopedics and labels the main directions, starting from classical pediatric orthopedics and continuing with the latest achievements in pediatric neuroorthopedics and genetics. It also describes some of the advances in the treatment of genetic diseases and points to new challenges that pediatric orthopedists face in connection with the invention of life-changing methods of targeted therapy. Without claiming to be complete, the article outlines the trends for the possible joining of the efforts of scientists, practitioners, and researchers of related specialties, which will accelerate the introduction of the best practice for the current generation of pediatric traumatologists and orthopedists.


ECO-Vector LLC


Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Surgery,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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