The relevance of cardiovascular diseases among the military personnel of the Russian Navy is reflected, as well as the role of occupational stressful load in the formation of a cardiovascular pathology. A single-stage study was carried out, which included 86 men aged 2340 years, during the study were divided into two groups corresponding to the different occupational load. The profile of behavioral factors associated with the cardiovascular risk (anthropometric indicators, adherence to smoking, amount of alcohol consumed, food preference), as well as morphological and functional indicators of the system, was studied in servicemen exposed to and not exposed to factors caused by staying in the deep-sea technical means. blood circulation. The effectiveness of stress testing was assessed, which included the Reeder self-assessment scale for psychosocial stress, the hospital scale for anxiety and depression, a work stress questionnaire, and a differential assessment of the state of a reduced performance. It was revealed that the profile of cardiovascular risk in servicemen of both groups is low, however, there is a significant difference in the number of indicators (the amount of adipose tissue detected by bioimpedansometry, total cholesterol level, an increase in heart rate during the psychomental test, values of vascular age and scale of relative cardiovascular risk. The most informative method, which made it possible to identify significant differences between the studied groups, is the questionnaire of the work stress by C. Spielberg 1989, adapted by A.B. Leonova and S.B. Velichkovskaya, 2000. It was determined that the severity of the impact of occupational stress factors in the servicemen exposed to factors caused by their stay in the deep-sea technical means is lower than in servicemen in the control group, while the associations of indicators characterizing the circulatory system with the occupational stress factors are higher in the control group, which indicates the importance of the formation of stress resistance, achieved by a high requirements of the professional selection, regular training of professional skills, as well as the creation of a favorable professional climates.
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