1. E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University
2. Perm State National Research University
To analyze affective-somatoform (dysphoric) disorders specific to epilepsy.
Dysphoric disorders can be divided into 3 groups: “periictal” disorders, interictal dysphoric disorder and alternative affective-somatoform syndromes. There are 3 groups of risk factors for affective disorders in epilepsy including depressive and dysphoric: those associated with the disease, those associated with the treatment and those associated with psychosocial aspects. Treatment for depression in epilepsy includes medication and psychotherapy. At the first stage of drug therapy, anticonvulsants are corrected, and at the second, an antidepressant is added. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective method of psychotherapy.
Dysphoric disorders in epilepsy are presented by a wide range of conditions, both paroxysmal and non-paroxysmal, and have their own classification and development factors, which must be taken into account when choosing adequate therapy.