Relationship of creativity and genetic factors in military services in the conditions of the arctic region


Spivak Irina M.ORCID,Lemeshchenko Alexey V.ORCID,Agafonov Pavel V.ORCID,Khalimov Yuri S.ORCID,Zhekalov Andrey N.ORCID,Gaiduk Sergey V.,Spivak Dmitry L.ORCID


The article examines the relationship between the creativity and genetic factors in a serviceman serving in the Arctic region with the special climatic and geographical parameters, a kind of sanitary and epidemiological situation, as well as the complexity of a military labor. A linear correlation analysis of the indicators of a creativity was carried out as one of the most important abilities of the personality, allowing timely response and adaptation to the changing conditions of the external social environment, and the polymorphism of four genes that take an active part in the process of the adaptation to the conditions of the Arctic region: the gene for the serotonin receptor 2A, the gene for angiotensin converting enzyme-1, the gene for neurotrophic factor, as well as the gene for alpha-actinin-3. It was found that the maximum level of verbal and imaginative creativity is observed in carriers of the Val / Val genotype of the neurotrophic factor gene, as well as the RR genotype of the alpha-actinin-3 gene. The carriers of these genotypes are characterized by a high production of neurotrophines that stimulate and support the development of neurons, which may determine the resistance of the central nervous system to unfavorable factors of the external social environment. In addition, the high level of expression of the alpha-actinin-3 protein, characteristic of carriers of the RR genotype of the alpha-actinin-3 gene, promotes accelerated regeneration of skeletal muscles, which may contribute to more optimal adaptation of the body to the harsh conditions of the Arctic region associated with an increased muscle load. When analyzing the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene, the observed patterns with the level of creativity turned out to be less clear, although the servicemen with the DD genotype of this gene showed a minimum level of creativity, which corresponds to the general idea of it as a weaker genotype in terms of the level of general body metabolism and the ability to be active. The characteristics of the creativity in genotypes II and ID of the angiotensin converting enzyme gene were statistically uncertain. The good tightness of the correlation of creativity with the Val/Val genotype of the neurotrophic factor gene, as well as the RR genotype of the alpha-actinin-3 gene, may indicate the advisability of including military personnel planned to be sent to the Arctic region in the examination plan to determine the level of creativity. This will optimize the process of selecting servicemen for service in the Arctic region, and prevent the development of maladjustment disorders, excluding persons with a low adaptive potential.


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