On some features of the system for forming the cadres of Chinese regional elites during the period from 2007 to 2019


Abramov Bogdan K.


This article is the second part of a large study on the internal policy system of the PRC, continuing the analysis of intra-party struggle in the CCP by classifying details of the biographies and terms of office of individual party officials. The correlations between the implementation of political-administrative power by certain individuals and economic transformations in the regions where they exercised their power are also examined. This research also focuses on the issue of continuity between different systems of organizing political power within the CCP, as well as on crises in this continuity, indirectly raising the question of intra-elite conflicts in the CCP. This issue is addressed by identifying career types of party officials, examining changes in the proportions of these types, and correlating these changes with known events in intra-political struggles and economic processes. The research shows that, despite the claims of some researchers, the political crisis in the PRC generally preceded the global economic crisis of 2008. This crisis reflects a shift in the system of power organization formed at the beginning of the policy of reforms and openness, and may have far-reaching consequences for the domestic and global political landscape.


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