Computer simulation of long line with loss in steady harmonic mode at active load


Krivorotova Victoria V.ORCID


Background: The implementation of projects to create long-range power systems requires the greatest possible study of not only the technical feasibility of long lines, but also the features of energy transmission along these lines. Such studies can be carried out in the field, using a physical experiment or using computer simulation. The first is limited by the complexity of the experiment, the lack of access to real measurements. Unlike a physical experiment, computer simulation is devoid of these problems: it makes it quite easy not only to model a long line, but also to study it under various operating modes. The practical significance of this work is the applicability of the proposed method in the educational process when students of energy specialties of transport universities perform research on lines with distributed parameters to solve subsequent problems in the development or development of new energy systems of great extent. Aim: Building a computer model of a long line and developing a method for studying various modes of its operation under various loads, including idling and short circuit. Methods: Computer modelling. Results: A computer model of a line with distributed parameters has been constructed, which allows one to study it under various modes. Conclusion: As part of the development of energy systems, the relevance of developing and modeling new methods for studying various modes in such circuits increases many times over. At the same time, newly developed methods should be applicable in the educational process. The article describes computer simulation and study of a long line under various active loads of the distribution of the effective value of the voltage along the line during its transmission, equal to half the wavelength (half-wave line). Research in this direction has not only scientific significance, but also practical, since it is possible to reasonably develop new models of long lines, as well as solve problems in the field of studying non-stationary (transient) operating modes of long lines.


ECO-Vector LLC

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