Оn the issue of the development of permanent magnet suspension systems for transport systems


Kim Konstantin K.ORCID,Karpova Irina M.ORCID


Aim: to develop recommendations for the development of optimal design schemes of permanent magnet systems designed to create a suspension force. Methods: we described the electromagnetic interaction in the system using classical field theory, the principle of superposition was used, the forces were calculated using the method of mirror images and Chebyshev quadrature formulas. Results: an increase of the number of rows of magnets with alternating polarity leads to an increase in the resulting strength of the demagnetizing field and there is the opposite effect in the case without alternating polarities. The suspension force reaches its maximum at a certain distance between the rows of permanent magnets. The side force reaches a maximum at a certain amount of transverse displacement in the horizontal suspension system. The control of the loading capacity of the suspension by changing the size of the cross sections of permanent magnets is accompanied by an increase their mass of the magnetic material. The presence of a ferromagnetic buss significantly improves the characteristics of the suspension and has a beneficial effect on the stability of the suspension. Conclusion: it is advisable to use multi-row structures on the track and on the vehicle with a certain step of installing magnetic rows with alternating polarity and the distance between the rows affects the magnitude of electromagnetic forces. The choice of the cross-sectional dimensions of permanent magnets should be carried out taking into account the specific requirements for the suspension system, taking into account the reversibility of the remagnetization process.


ECO-Vector LLC

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