Simulation models and application options of electric power storage systems in traction power supply


Nezevak Vladislav L.ORCID,Dmitriev Aleksandr D.ORCID


Background: the determination of the energy indicators of the traction power supply system based on the train schedule in the conditions of operation of storage devices is based on the solution of a number of instantaneous schemes, each of which corresponds to the established operating mode. These methods require adaptation to account for non-linear characteristics or indicators, the value of which is associated with the retrospective of the change. In this regard, it is necessary to use calculation methods based on the solution of differential equations to solve problems related to the assessment of performance in transient or emergency modes, taking into account dynamic characteristics. Modeling the operation of storage devices in the traction power supply system allows you to evaluate the change in indicators depending on the parameters of the devices, traction load and circuit solutions for various topologies. Aim: to determine the structure of models of electric power storage devices in DC and AC traction power supply systems, to consider the results of calculating the main energy indicators, to determine ways to improve circuit solutions based on the identified features, to determine the technical requirements for electric power storage devices in traction power supply. Materials and Methods: to obtain the results, methods for solving differential equations corresponding to various variants of the topology of storage devices in traction power supply, implemented in the Matlab software package, are used. Results: the results obtained allow us to determine the structure of storage devices for traction power supply, evaluate models of devices for traction power supply of direct and alternating current, outline the prospects for further research in the field of circuit solutions and required device parameters. Conclusion: the results of the study allow models of electricity storage devices and technical solutions for their implementation aimed at introducing DC and AC traction power supply into the system.


ECO-Vector LLC

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