The influence of rolling stock indicators on the car component of the freight railway tarif (by the example of gondel cars)


Egorov Yuriy V.ORCID


Background: understanding of the indicators affecting the car component of the freight railway tariff is important for the development and implementation of a competent tariff policy for freight railway transport, especially in the context of sanctions restrictions implemented by third countries. Aim: identification and classification of rolling stock indicators that affect the value of the car component of the freight railway tariff, followed by a quantitative assessment of such an impact. Methods: statistical method, econometric modeling, analysis, comparative method, system method. Results: the indicators of the rolling stock that affect the value of the car component of the freight railway tariff are identified, a classification of these indicators is developed according to the criterion of applicability of the monetary meter, an econometric quantitative assessment of the influence of the identified indicators on the car component of the freight railway tariff is made, conclusions are drawn on the sensitivity of the latter to various time lags of the indicators under consideration. Conclusion: the results obtained can be used to improve the tariff policy for freight rail transport, as well as to further develop the theoretical foundations in this area.


ECO-Vector LLC

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