Tariff policy offers on the line of magnetic levitation transport


Fedorova Maria V.ORCID


Background: The transport interchange hub meets its fundamental function - the concentration and organization of traffic flows of various types of transport, including individual and passenger transfers, and is of a utilitarian nature. One of the possible solutions is to place not just transfer complexes, but multi-storey structures of this kind. Where the first floor is a distribution pedestrian level, the main task of which is to ensure the transfer of passengers in a comfortable environment. On the next level there are objects of passing passenger service, the three upper floors are "intercepting" parking. With the urban area adjacent to the node, communications are provided through underground pedestrian crossings. Aim: The commissioning of maglev transport lines in places of concentration of growing passenger traffic, which will help to reduce travel time, meet freight needs, improve the quality and increase travel safety when driving on dedicated lanes. At the same time, it is necessary to integrate maglev transport into the transport system of cities. Method: The article defines the goals and objectives of the placement of transport interchange complexes. The article presents a methodology for assessing the location of transport hubs, which consists of three stages. Results: At the first stage, in accordance with the proposed methodology, it is necessary to carry out an integrated assessment of the territories under consideration in order to determine the prospects for their development. At the second stage, it is necessary to analyze the existing transport infrastructure in the region, providing passenger traffic in order to identify areas with the greatest transport accessibility, both in the current period and in the future. At the third stage, on the basis of logistic criteria, the analysis of the transport network in the areas with the highest passenger flows is carried out.


ECO-Vector LLC

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