Zeng Jei-Wei,Long Zhi-Qiang,Ding Jingfang,Liang Xiao
Background: The effect of residual stress resulted from the manufacturing process on the performance of bogie frame has been attracting more and more attention with the increasing of running speed of maglev vehicle, which could develop cracks on the frame and compromise the operational safety.
Aim: It is necessary to determine and understand the distribution rules of residual stress on the bogie frames.
Methods: Barkhausen effect is one of the effective methods used to measure residual stress.
Results: This paper presents a experiment system designed for residual stress detection and the principle of electromagnetic stress detection is expounded, finite element simulation analysis on magnetization device is carried out, and the effect of magnetization under different excitation conditions is analyzed.
Conclusion: The feasibility of the online magnetic detection method of internal stresses in bogie frame is verified through the simulation, which would provided the basis for bogie frames internal stresses detection.