Application of intelligent technologies for the implementation of the digital traction substation project


Ryzhova Elena L.ORCID


Aim: analysis of various design solutions for the use of digital substations and promising directions in the use of intelligent technologies in a modern traction power supply system. Methods: to achieve this goal, the results of research, well-known and innovative technical solutions for increasing the intellectual level of substations were considered, the potential of using digital technologies in the traction power supply system was analyzed. Results: the basic principles of operation of digital substations, their advantages and disadvantages, the use of digital measuring instruments and equipment at substations are considered. A review of foreign and domestic experience in the development and application of digital technologies in general and traction power supply systems is carried out. The main stages and technical solutions for the transfer of electrical substations to a new stage of their development are shown. Conclusion: Further step-by-step development of substations makes their transition to an intelligent platform, which will reduce the cost of repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, labor costs for operational personnel, significantly increase the reliability of the power supply system due to early detection of malfunctions, reduce the number of accidents and injuries at work. Thanks to the development of energy in this direction, it will be possible to create its own network of digital substations using the concept of retrofitting existing substations and transferring them to new digital power equipment, as well as creating Russian unique software that does not depend on other countries.


ECO-Vector LLC

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