Psychological analysis of women’s experiencing of late pregnancy termination for fetal anomaly


Mikhailov Anton V.ORCID,Zamanaeva Iulia


Goals. Psychological analysis and summarizing of information of womens experiencing of late pregnancy termination for fetal anomaly. Participants and methods. 105 participants from 19 to 43 years old, experienced late pregnancy termination for fetal anomaly after 22 gestation weeks, which needed the psychological support during being in maternal hospital. Method of data collection is structured clinical interview with following analysis and summarizing information that had been received. It was also performed many other authors data analysis. This led us for the conclusion about psychological prophylactics long-term consequences after late pregnancy termination. Results. It was revealed general psychological mechanisms of womens experiencing of several consequential steps of process of pregnancy termination: primary diagnosis, process of decision- making, during the feticide procedure, delivery and postpartum period. Tasks of psychological support formulated; types of reasons for termination decision were described, influence of psychological status of fetus for character of experience. The analysis of foreign issues was made and the result was description of faraway traumatic consequences of late pregnancy termination for woman and her family. Conclusions. Late pregnancy termination is traumatic choice for woman and her family and it has medical, psychological, ethical and legal context. Psychological maintenance can optimize patients contact with medical stuff in period she stays in maternity hospital. Psychologically conceived experience ensure constructive attitude to the future pregnancy and its positive conditions.


ECO-Vector LLC


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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