Estimation of long-term results of complex application of laserotherapy and low-frequency electrostatic field in patients with postprothetic inflammatory complications during dental implantation


Livshits Varvara I.ORCID,Nagornev Sergey N.ORCID


BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown high clinical efficacy of the course combined use of a low-frequency electrostatic field and low-intensity infrared laser therapy in patients with peri-implantitis. It was shown that the use of these physiotherapeutic factors is accompanied by the development of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, increased tissue blood flow in the area of therapeutic exposure, as well as activation of trophic-regenerative processes that determine the degree of osseointegration of implants. However, along with resolving the issue of the current relief of clinical manifestations of peri-implantitis, an important point is the study of the long-term effect of the treatment method used. Evaluation of long-term results makes it possible to determine the duration of the preservation of the therapeutic effect, which makes it possible to determine the optimal parameters of the frequency and frequency of the therapeutic effects. AIMS: Evaluation of complex physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with post-prosthetic inflammatory complications during dental implantation in the long-term period (after 6 and 12 months). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was carried out with the participation of 132 patients aged 35 to 57 years with a clinically and radiologically confirmed diagnosis of class I and II peri-implantitis. All patients were divided into 4 groups by the method of simple fixed randomization. The first group (control group, 31 patients) received standard dental treatment, including professional oral hygiene, removal of dental plaque and granulation, and debridement of peri-implant pockets. In the second group (main I, 31 patients), in addition to the standard therapy, a course of laser therapy was carried out using the BTL-4000 physiotherapy apparatus. In the third group (main II, 30 patients), the standard treatment was supplemented with a course of low-frequency electrotherapy. The fourth group (main III, 31 patients), along with standard treatment, received low-frequency electrotherapy in combination with laser therapy. Long-term results were assessed 6 and 12 months after the end of therapy using clinical-functional, biochemical and psychological methods. RESULTS: The course combined use of a laser and a low-frequency electrostatic field as a supplement to the standard treatment protocol for patients with peri-implantitis ensures the maximum preservation of higher indicators characterizing the restoration of the functions of the dentition, aesthetic parameters of the face and an increase in the quality of life of patients in general. CONCLUSION: Taking into account the risk of developing a possible exacerbation of the inflammatory process, as well as the dynamics of the studied clinical and functional parameters in patients with peri-implantitis in the long-term period, it was concluded that it is necessary to conduct repeated courses of combined use of an infrared laser and low-frequency electrostatic therapy in 69 months.


ECO-Vector LLC

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