Features of flight information perception in shaping the flight concept


Kotov Oleg V.ORCID,Sinelnikov Sergey N.ORCID,Naturalnikov Ilya O.ORCID,Savin Andrey V.,Drobot Ivan A.,Gerasimenko Evgeny A.,Vyborov Evgeny M.


This study determines the peculiarities of perception of aerobatic information in shaping the horizontal flight concept for operators who do not have experience in simulator training. The skill formation assessment in 10 flights was conducted using time indicators and generalized piloting error calculation based on the task. The program of activity concept shaping is developed using complex sensorimotor reactions at the 3rd stage of flight to increase the attention reserves of operators. The distribution of attention was analyzed when recording the coordinates of eye fixation in the designated visual zones using the mobile oculography system SMI ETG 2 WirelessAnalysPro. The number of eye fixations is established to increase with increased flight experience. Over each flight, the operator spends less time on the perception and evaluation of flight information from a particular device, thus the speed of changing saccadic eye movements increases, and the duration of the fixations themselves decreases. The proposed method of step-by-step flight concept shaping during the performance of the task of the horizontal flight showed high efficiency of developing motor and sensory skills. The development of such modular programs for training take-off and landing may significantly improve the principles of simulator training. The obtained data reveal the peculiarities of aerobatic information perception by operators of complex ergatic systems, with the prospect of increasing the reliability of professional activity of young pilots in the transition to real practical flights.


ECO-Vector LLC

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