Hypothesis/aims of study. Ovarian endometriomas are a great danger to the female reproductive function. In addition to the negative impact of the disease itself on ovarian reserve, the reproductive capabilities of women are influenced by surgery on the ovaries and subsequent hormonal therapy. Ovarian reserve after cystectomy of the endometriomas suffers more than after removal of other benign ovarian tumors. The solution of the problem can be obtained using sclerotherapy during laparoscopy. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of sclerosing endometriomas during laparoscopy on the ovarian reserve.
Study design, materials and methods. The study involved 36 patients aged 2535 years. Inclusion criteria were genital endometriosis, endometrioma of one of the ovaries with a volume of 15100 cm3, and pregnancy planning. Exclusion criteria were uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, polycystic ovary syndrome, and the previous operations on the ovaries and uterine tubes. The main group consisted of 18 patients who underwent sclerotherapy of an endometrioma during laparoscopy with a 70% ethanol solution. The comparison group comprised 18 patients who underwent cystovariectomy with bipolar coagulation of the tumor lining. Within 4 months after surgery, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists were administered. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and determination of anti-Mllerian hormone (AMH) level were performed before surgery, after surgery, and after hormonal treatment.
Results. In both study groups, AMH level decreased immediately after surgery: in the main group, it reduced by 1.4 times, in the comparison group by 2.4 times. After termination of therapy with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and recovery of the menstrual cycle, AMH level increased slightly (it was 2.9 0.40 ng/ml in the main group, and 1.8 0.24 ng/ml in the comparison group). Within 12 months after surgery, pregnancy occurred in 44.4% of patients in the main group and in 33.3% of patients in the comparison group. Over 16 months of follow-up, not a single case of recurrence of the disease was subsequently detected.
Conclusion. Sclerotherapy of endometriomas during laparoscopy is supposed to be an effective and promising technique aimed at preserving the ovarian reserve in this category of patients.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology