The straight-line stability analysis of the vehicle with the electronic stability control


Eranosyan Artem V.ORCID


BACKGROUND: At present time, branches of industry have been increasingly filled with electronics, capable of controlling different processes in order to achieve demanded paremeters values. Automotive industry, safety issues of which such as vehicle stability and handling are paid much attention, have not become an exclusion. Vehicle safety improvement is one of the areas of development of modern auto-motive industry. Manufacturers permanentally increase the number of control systems and raise the level of control on wheeled vehicle motion parameters in order to achieve the highest possible level of stability and handling. Using of various all-wheel-drive systems becomes more relevant and reasonable. Traction force distribution between all wheels improves dynamic performance indicators, makes cross-country ability better in similar road conditions and allows using algorithms, improving handling and course-keeping ability of a vehicle. AIMS: Determination of variation range of the control parameter in order to ensure stable straight-line motion of a vehicle with controlled transmission. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The two-axled vehicle, which transmission has an ability of torque distribution between front and rear axles, is considered in the article. The system of diiferential equations in terms of middle wheels side slip angles was made up in the study. The LinardChipart algebraic cri-terion was used to define variation ranges of the control parameter in order to ensure stable straight-line motion of the vehicle. RESULTS: The obtained variation ranges of the control parameter are included in the adjustment range of modern torque distribution mechanisms, consequently, it is possible to speak about ability to ensure stability of straight-line motion of a full-wheel-driven vehicle with currently existing mechanisms. The scientific novelty of the study lies in analytical determination of variation range of the control parameter for the case of straight-line motion of a vehicle equipped with the electronic stability control. CONCLUSIONS: Practical value of the study lies in establishment of ability to ensure stability of straight-line motion of a full-wheel-driven vehicle with currently existing mechanisms.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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