Hormonal status in patients with solitary and multyple cysts of the breast


Dzidzava I I,Odintsov V A,Bakhovadinova Sh B,Kovalenko N A,Iontsev V I,Apchel V Ya


The hormonal status was studied in patients with solitary and multiple cysts of the breast. Sex hormones, being a regulator of the normal physiological processes of most organs and systems, are traditionally considered one of the key factors in the development and progression of tumors in the organs of the reproductive system, including the mammary glands. It was revealed that solitary cysts were most often localized in one mammary gland (42,8%), while multiple cysts were located more often in both mammary glands (57,2%). It was found that in 43,2% of cases the cysts were located in the upper thoracic quadrant of the breast, in 5,6% of cases in the lower, quadrant, 3.2% in the lower inner quadrant, 9,6% in the upper quadrant, and the diffuse the defeat of two quadrants and more was revealed in 38,4% of observations, which is associated with the features of the morphofunctional characteristics of structural units of the breast and the architectonics of the milk ducts. In most cases, cysts with apocrine metaplasia (52,8%) were detected, less common proliferation (32,8%) and squamous metaplasia (14,4%) were less common. Cytological examination of the contents of the cysts of the breast can reveal apocrine metaplasia or hyperplasia of the epithelium - pathogenetically important markers of the risk of breast cancer. It was found that the predominance of cystic changes in the mammary gland at the peri-postmenopausal age correlates with a decrease in the levels of estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, with the exception of the normal values of total testosterone. In groups of early and late reproductive age, there was a tendency to increase the concentration of luteinizing hormone and estradiol in the blood serum. Thus, patients with solitary and multiple cysts of the breast in different age periods against a background of hormonal imbalance need an individual medical-diagnostic approach with echographic semiotics of pathological changes and determination of the hormonal status.


ECO-Vector LLC

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