The preoperative and postoperative period when phalloendoprosthesis


Udalov Yu D,Kyzlasov P S,Martov A G,Zabelin M V,Kazhera A A


Аbstract. The recommendations on an integrated approach to the management of patients with penile prosthesis are presented. Penile prosthesis is one of the most effective and radical methods of erectile dysfunction treatment and is a common worldwide surgery, which gives a more predictable effect and allows to meet the expectations of 80-90% of patients and their partners. Currently, surgeons and urologists has quite a diverse choice of different models of phalloendoprosthesis and methodical surgical approaches for their installation. However, there are no clear clinical guidelines worldwide for the management of patients subjected to phalloendoprosthesis in the pre - and postoperative period. There is also no unified approach to the prevention of infectious complications of phalloendoprosthesis, including their preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis, based on clinical studies. The authors describe and structure the information about preparation stages and management of patients in pre - and post-operative period to prevent the most common complications. All the developed algorithms are based on extremely small selection and purely descriptive statistics, therefore further studies are needed on the scientific basis of management of patients with penile prosthesis, which should be based on in-depth statistical analysis. We consider it necessary to develop legal acts of management for this category of patients, the creation of Russian clinical guidelines for the prevention of infections in surgical intervention in penile prosthesis.


ECO-Vector LLC

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