Alternative anatomy of a gastrolic trunk of Genle and her applied value in surgery


Gajvoronskij I V,Kotiv B N,Kovalenko N A,Pelipas’ J V,Amelina I D,Fandeeva O M


Are submitted the data about typical and atypical options of a trunk Genle, to his arhitectonics, topography, existing classifications, morphometric characteristics and cclinical value of anatomic features. It shown, that the anatomy of a trunk of Genle and his inflows has the expressed variability, and practically it isn’t described in Russian-speaking literature. Appreciable number of various options of formation of a trunk of Genle, various frequency of occurrence of these options, morphometric indicators, apparently, depends on the size of selection of the studied objects, a sex and other reasons. Classification is created, reflecting results of a research, and presenting data in foreign literature. It reveal, that, despite a large number of the described versions of the description of this anatomical structure, there is no uniform idea of the veins forming this trunk. Nosological examples are analyzed, showing need of control of options of formation of a trunk of Genle and his morphometric features at expeditious and diagnostic manipulations on organs and vessels of a peritoneal cavity. Without comprehension arhitectonics of roots and inflows of a portal vein, there is a great risk of a surgical mistake which can lead to lethal complications. In general, cases in point are important for surgical practice, in particular, for abdominal surgery and an onkokhirurgiya.


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