Circulation and resorption of cerebrospinal fluid: historic and up-to-date presentation


Valchuk S N,Alekseev D E,Gavrilov G V,Stanishevskiy A V,Svistov D V


It is analyzed historical development and current apprehension about cerebrospinal fluid. We are interested in all about liquor however the huge our attention concentrates on resorption of fluid. It is caused by many cases with expiration of liquor after operation but there isn’t answer about arrangement of this complication. It is notably but now the question about resorption of cerebrospinal fluid is still controversial. The part of scientists stands by classic speculation. They think that resorption of liquor arises by Pachioni’s granulations. Another part keeps to theory that the main role performs glymphatic system by the resorption of liquor. That’s why we make a decision that we need to make an investigation of nowadays literature about dynamic of cerebrospinal fluid and resorption of liquor.We think after neurosurgical operations cerebrospinal fluid’s resorpting ability decreases. We make these conclusion, because there are lots of science experiments. These experiments simulate real surgical procedures. That’s why intracranial pressure raises and then liquor runs out. We made a conclusion lots of scientists adhere to mind that after neurosurgical operations resorption of liquor decreases that’s why it starts hyporesorption. However even presently this problem is actually. There is a little bit experiments but there isn’t any clinical research.


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