Organization of rendered surgical assistance in extreme conditions of autonomous navigation


Soroka A K,Kotelnikov V N,Nazarov V E,Geltser B I,Dergunov V A


The problem related to the need to improve the effectiveness of providing emergency surgical care in extreme conditions of autonomous navigation is discussed. The principle of organization of medical support cannot be effectively implemented in the realities of the present time, due to the lack of sufficient naval bases. Modern medical technologies seem to be a strategic reserve that can solve the emerging problems before the medical service of the Navy. The most priority and promising technique with a high level of quality of urgent surgical care is the use of laparoscopic techniques by the personnel of the medical service directly at the ship’s medical station. Presented data on the results of the application of this technique indicate its prospects. In addition, in order to optimize the provision of emergency medical care to seamen in conditions of autonomous navigation, it is expedient to actively use telemedicine. The historical and systematic review of modern literature confirms the high potential of these methods provided that the surgeons’ competence and scientific and practical solution of technical aspects are sufficient. Important is the development of professional standards for specialized medical care in emergency conditions in the sea and active implementation in clinical practice.


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