Features of surgical tactics of treatment of victims with deep burns of the face


Butrin Ya L,Chmyrev I V,Skvorcov Yu R,Sokolov V A,Petrachkov S A,Shpakov I F


Data on optimization of tactics of treatment of victims with deep facial burns in 314 patients (194 men and120 women) aged 18-60 years are presented. All patients were treated in the clinic of thermal lesions of the Military medicalAcademy S.M. Kirov in the period from 1991 to 2016 the expediency of using early necrectomy for removal of the studiedcontingent of patients with mild and moderate severity. The result is a reduction in the time of hospitalization and a reductionin the number of scarring. Statistically, the duration of treatment in victims with isolated deep burns was reduced 3 times, inpatients with mild and moderate severity, with extensive thermal lesions, 1.8 times. At the same time, the obtained data indicatethat the terms of removal of the dead skin and restoration of the skin do not affect the mortality of victims with isolated deepburns of the face. In the group of severe and extremely severely burned tactics of treatment of deep burns on the face whenperforming early necrectomy in other areas of the body also has no effect on mortality. It is significant that the shortage ofdonor resources is one of the determining factors in the choice of conservative treatment tactics for this category of patientsin a significant number of observations both at the Academy and in other specialized departments of the Russian Federation.


ECO-Vector LLC

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