Efimov Semen V,Cherkashin Dmitriy V,Andrianov Viktor P,Alanichev Andrey E,Kutelev Gennadiy G,Liderman Alersandr A
Nowadays there is no uniform classification and methods of diagnosis of the dysplasia presence in the examined human connective tissue, however it is known that all diseases are depending especially on the severity of the connective tissue disorders. By itself, the connective tissue dysplasia, affecting all systems and organs in the process of embryogenesis, is manifested mainly in the bodies of one of the systems. So far, the cardiovascular system has been studied the most fully. It is considered as an obligatory element of adaptation to the environment, testing the most expressed load at any activity and pathology. The aim of the study was to determine peculiarities of morpho-functional parameters of a healthy person activity with a minimum of the severity of the symptoms of cardiovascular system connective tissue dysplasia, and also to determine quantitative criteria for the evaluation of DST (6 tables, bibliography: 17 refs).
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