The trace elements Zn++ and Cu++ versus C-reactive protein (CRP) and transferrin (TF) were studied in 45 surgical patients (26 males and 19 females) aged 46.6±17.3 years with soft tissue purulent wounds (STPW) in the postoperative period. The baseline CRP levels were found to be 3.8-43 times higher in all the patients. The CRP concentration was greater than 100 mg/l in 75.6% of the patients. There was substantially decreased TF level during the full-scaled picture of STPW, which is indicative of the development of moderate and protein-energy deficiency. Tests for plasma Zn++ revealed that hypozincemia was present in 91.1% of the patients; its values were less than 8.2 μmol/l in 66.6%. A negative correlation was established between CRB levels and Zn++ concentrations (r = -0.4). Cu++ concentrations were less than 11.1 μmol/l in 20% of the patients and greater than 22.0 μmol/l in 17.8%. Of great importance was Cu++/Zn++ ratio (normal values 0.9-1.13). The latter was ascertained to be normal only in 6.7%. There was a direct correlation between the CRP values and the Cu++/Zn++ ratio (r = 0.3) and a negative correlation between the TF levels and Cu++/Zn++ ratio.
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