Issledovanie vodnykh sektorov u khirurgicheskikh bol'nykh ostrym pankreatitom metodom bioimpedansometrii


Gaforov D A1,Sviridov Sergey Viktorovich1,Nikolaev D V2



2. НТЦ "Медасс", Москва


The clinical picture of acute pancreatitis (AP) is always accompanied by water-electrolyte imbalance. Therefore infusion-transfusion therapy is the most important element of complex intensive care for AP, which should be performed under strict dynamic control of the volemic status of patients. The paper gives the results of measuring the water sectors by two-frequency bioimpedancometry at the stages of AP treatment. The greatest changes in the intracellular and extracellular sectors are noted in patients with acute destructive infected pancreonecrosis. Circulating blood volume compensation normalizes total body water content, but at the same time there is an increase in the interstitial space due to capillary leak caused by systemic inflammatory response syndrome.


ECO-Vector LLC

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