Drug-induced pleural diseases


Ostroumova Olga D.ORCID,Smetneva Natalya S.ORCID,De Valeriya A.ORCID


The problem of differential diagnosis of pleural diseases involves a large number of pathological conditions causing its damage, which physicians are not aware about. Drug-induced (DI) lesion occupies a special place in the structure of pleural diseases, both due to the relatively low prevalence and due to insufficient awareness of doctors about the presence of such adverse reactions in drugs. At the same time, thanks to modern information about the morphology, physiology and pathophysiology of the pleura and pleural cavities, the diagnosis and treatment of pleural diseases are becoming more and more effective. The article presents the data of modern literature and electronic databases of The Drug-Induced Respiratory Disease Website about DI lesions of the pleura. This review provides information about the main types of DI lesions of the pleura and the scope of drugs that cause these reactions. Ultimately, doctors awareness of drug-induced pleural diseases can ensure timely diagnosis of these conditions, correct therapy, and ultimately improve the quality of medical care.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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