Features of the modern human resources component of the pharmaceutical industry (based on the materials of a survey of employees of pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies and enterprises in Moscow)


Golikova Natalia S.ORCID,Prisyazhnaya Nadezhda V.ORCID


BACKGROUND: The development of the pharmaceutical industry at the present stage determines the high level of need for specialists with specialized education who have additional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of both research and organizational tasks (first of all, registration of medicines) and knowledge in the field of the regulatory field of the industry. At the same time, one of the most pressing problems of pharmaceutical companies is a personnel shortage, the solution of which requires strengthening cooperation between specialized universities and industry enterprises. OBJECTIVE: The purpose was to study the trajectories of professional formation and adaptation of specialists of pharmaceutical industry organizations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article presents the results of a study carried out by a questionnaire survey (authors questionnaire) conducted among employees of eight pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies and enterprises in Moscow (n=211), which allowed us to determine the features of the formation of personnel and professional development of specialists in the modern pharmaceutical industry. RESULTS: Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is experiencing a shortage of personnel with basic pharmaceutical education, which forces enterprises to hire employees with basic chemical, biotechnological or medical education, as well as representatives of related professions who acquire special pharmaceutical knowledge already in the course of their work. In turn, graduates of pharmaceutical faculties are reluctant to join pharmaceutical companies and organizations, because after graduation they do not have the practical skills and competencies necessary to work in them. In the current situation, various forms of professional development, obtaining additional professional, second and higher education are of particular importance, which in most cases is encouraged by employers interested in obtaining qualified personnel. CONCLUSION: The dynamics of the development of domestic pharmacy in the near future is expected to determine the transformation of ideas (social portrait) about a specialist in the pharmaceutical industry, which, among other things, will contribute to strengthening the prestige of the profession. At the same time, the processes of digital and technological development of the industry necessitate the continuous updating of educational programs of universities for the training of specialists with pharmaceutical education that meets the challenges of modernity.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Materials Science

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