Runaway beauty as a cultural reality and empatic experience


Ionesov Vladimir I.,Sloeva Elena A.


The aesthetic foundations of culture are in the constant focus not only of humanitarian knowledge, but also serve as an actual subject of interdisciplinary research. The article argues the view of beauty as an imperative of culture and the experience of aestheticе trial. Beauty understanding is not shown to consist of the punctual detailing of beauty. The beauty of the object is higher than the object itself the beauty is a specific cultural phenomenon. Gaining the freedom through the beauty, a person restores his lost connection with nature and expands the boundaries of his being, his desires and opportunities. In beauty, the world is filled with meaning and assembled in harmony. Beauty has always remained a desirable, but elusive phenomenon for a person. In the aesthetic imagination of the drama of being, human nature finds the ability to overcome unbearable pain from its anthropological insufficiency and ontological alienation from the world that surrounds it and which it creates.


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