Allografts for surgery in the closure of nasal septal intraoperative defects


Shelikhovskaia Mariia A.ORCID,Syroezhkin Fedor A.ORCID,Tipikin Vasily P.,Vinichenko Ksenia V.,Kulish Alexandra V.,Kovtun Sofya V.


Surgical correction of the deviation of nasal septum is the most frequently performed surgical interventions in Otorhinolaryngology departments. Sometimes such operations can be complicated by an intraoperative defect in the nasal septum, which is not always possible to close with autogenous tissue. Thats why it has become important to use new allogenic transplant materials in the treatment of these defects. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of allografts (allogeneic fascia and allogenic cartilage treated by Alloplant technology) in closure of intraoperative defects of the nasal septum. The treatment was performed to 40 patients aged 2455 who developed defect of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum during the operation for nasal spetum deviation. Patients were randomly divided into two groups of 20 people. The 1st group included patients whose allogenic transplantat materials were used in addition to their own tissues during the closure of the defect. The 2nd group consisted of patients whose autogenous tissues were used during the operation. The data of functional state of the nasal mucosa and the anatomical integrity of the nasal septum of all patients before treatment, one month and one year after the treatment were checked and compared. It was revealed that allografts (allogenic fascia and allogenic cartilage treated by Alloplant technology) demonstrated an anti-inflammatory effect, and their use in closing of intraoperative defects of the nasal septum is more effective. This procedure also accelerates improvement of the functional activity of the nasal mucosa in comparison with the use of autogenous tissues solely.


ECO-Vector LLC

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