Organ-preserving treatment in progressive cervical pregnancy. A clinical case


Sulima Anna N.ORCID,Gunar Zoya V.ORCID,Adamov Alexandr M.ORCID,Gordeychik Andrey E.,Mkrtchian Azat A.ORCID,Davydova Aleksandra A.ORCID,Tkacheva Nataly Yu.ORCID


This article describes a rare clinical case of progressive ectopic pregnancy in the cervix in a female patient of reproductive age, the incidence of which is less than 1% of all ectopic pregnancies. The exact etiopathogenetic mechanism of cervical pregnancy is still unknown. Misdiagnosis of cervical pregnancy can lead to a fatal outcome with massive bleeding and is associated with the risk of hysterectomy and complete loss of fertility in patients of reproductive age. This article presents the results of a pathoanatomical study confirming the diagnosis and adequacy of the performed therapeutic measures. We demonstrated the complexity of diagnosing this pathology, as well as the possibility and conditions for performing an organ-preserving surgery. The presented clinical case will allow doctors of various specialties to know more about this rare form of ectopic pregnancy, to suspect and successfully diagnose cervical pregnancy in the early stages of gestation, which will avoid or reduce the development of severe and sometimes life-threatening complications.


ECO-Vector LLC


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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