Sarcopenia is a multifactorial syndrome with an insufficiently studied pathogenesis, manifested by a generalized loss of muscle mass and skeletal muscle strength. Despite the fact that sarcopenia is a risk factor for mortality and disability, especially in the elderly, this pathology is rarely diagnosed. The lack of the uniform criteria for the diagnosis and comorbidity of the elderly patients create difficulties in the differential diagnosis of this condition. Sarcopenia is most often combined with endocrine pathologies, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus. An accelerated decrease in the muscle mass leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity, resulting in insulin resistance, which, in turn, leads to the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue sarcopenic obesity. The results of the studies indicate a higher risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis among individuals with sarcopenic obesity, as opposed to those with simple obesity or sarcopenia. A vicious circle consisting of age-related changes in the skeletal muscles, obesity and impaired glucose regulation leads to a more severe course of diseases and a negative impact on a person's life expectancy. Due to the fact that there are presently no clear criteria for the diagnosis of sarcopenic obesity, there are no unambiguous data on its prevalence. A search for the modern methods of research, prevention and treatment of this condition is required.
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