The effect of neuropeptide ACTH4-10 on the adaptation of patients to dental prostheses according to the data of monitoring the emotional state using a polygraph


Pozhilova Elena V.ORCID,Novikov Vasiliy E.ORCID,Evseev Andrey V.ORCID,Abolmasov Nikolay N.ORCID


BACKGROUND: Monitoring and pharmacological correction of adaptation of patients to full removable dental prostheses is actual and practically important problem in stomatology. AIM: To study the effect of neuropeptide ACTH4-10 on the process of adaptation of patients to complete removable prostheses by monitoring the emotional state using a polygraph. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Examination and primary prosthetics with full removable dentures of patients (6075 years old) were performed of both sexes with total adentia. All patients were divided into three groups: the main group (correction of the adaptation process with ACTH4-10 neuropeptide Semax 0.1% nasal drops), the comparison group (0.9% NaCl solution was administered intranasally) and the control group (without pharmacological correction). Monitoring of the process of adaptation to prostheses was carried out by registering the emotional reaction of patients to the movements of the lower jaw with the help of a polygraph Barrier-14 of the company Antey (Russia). RESULTS: The emotional state of patients in the main observation group who received pharmacological correction with ACTH4-10 neuropeptide reaches the values of adapted patients for most of the studied indicators within 714 days after the application of prostheses, and a month after the application of prostheses - for all studied indicators of the curves of the trajectories of the lower jaw (p 0.05), which cannot be noted in patients of the comparison group (NaCl) and the control group. The results obtained indicate a positive effect of the neuropeptide ACTH4-10 on the process of getting used to patients with complete removable prostheses. CONCLUSIONS: Neuropeptide ACTH4-10 accelerates the process of adaptation of primary prosthetic patients to complete removable dental prostheses according to the monitoring of the emotional background of patients. The method of registering the emotional state of patients using a polygraph allows us to make an objective conclusion about the effect of occlusion and articulation on the psycho-emotional background and judge the patient's adaptation to a dental prosthesis.


ECO-Vector LLC


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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