The role of modern and promising methods of diagnostics of functional ventilation disorders in pulmonological patients


Bulka Elena S.ORCID,Salukhov Vladimir V.ORCID,Kovlen Denis V.ORCID,Kharitonov Mikhail A.ORCID,Bulka Kirill A.ORCID


The current problems of the application of existing and promising methods for assessing respiratory function in a modern pulmonological hospital are considered. Determining the degree of respiratory disorders is key both in the period of exacerbation of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases and intercommunal and/or rehabilitation period and identifies the tactics and scope of therapeutic measures. There is a wide variety of hardware methods for assessing respiratory function: body plethysmography, volumetric capnography, computer pulse oximetry monitoring, ergospirometry, impulse oscillometry, etc. Most of them are non-invasive, for some standardized stress tests with physical, drug, and other load options. Each of the methods for assessing ventilation disorders has its advantages and disadvantages; therefore, it is common to search for new or refine existing approaches in assessing respiratory function. The entire arsenal of functional tests should be considered in the form of an integrated approach in examining patients, based on the clinical situation, with the choice of optimal, most informative methods. A novel and promising method is stress hypoxic testing based on the principle of feedback, which allows the assessment of the reaction of the body of a pulmonological patient to hypoxic stress to avoid the risks of emergency conditions without loss of informative results. The prospect of further growth in the information content and quality of the obtained data of functional respiratory tests is the introduction into research on the principles of biofeedback and automated evaluation of the data provided to the researcher and the attending physician.


ECO-Vector LLC

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