Analysis of bone-reconstructive surgery aimed at normalization of occlusal relationships of the jaws at the final stages of rehabilitation treatment of children with congenital cleft lips and palate (Literature review)


Semenov Mikhail G.ORCID,Botsarova Sofia A.ORCID,Stepanova Yulia V.ORCID


BACKGROUND: The completion of medical rehabilitation of children aged 1618 years with congenital cleft lips and palate is often impossible without surgical correction of occlusal relationships of the jaws and improvement of facial aesthetics. At the same time, the main efforts of the specialists engaged in the treatment of children with orofacial clefts are aimed at correcting local plastic operations of the upper lip, nose, oral cavity, and orthodontic, using non-removable arc equipment, correction of disturbed occlusion. AIM: Our aim is to study and analyze the problems of final bone reconstructive operations in patients with HRGN. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article presents a review of the literature on this topic, based on 61 sources. The literature was searched by keywords in the databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, E-library, and Google Scholar from 1938 to 2020. The data on the treatment of children with combined maxillofacial anomalies and deformities with cleft lips and palate, who underwent reconstructive bone operations on the jaws in order to normalize their occlusal relationships, were analyzed. RESULTS: In order to achieve good morphofunctional and aesthetic results, as well as early socialization of patients with VRGN at the final stages of rehabilitation, complex hardware and surgical treatment are necessary. The indication for reconstructive operations on the jaws in patients is the face disorder and disharmony of the face, which cannot be corrected by orthodontic treatment. The operations should be based on careful planning, including CT modeling, the use of sparing techniques, including various modifications of Le Faure I osteotomy on the upper jaw, and retromolar sagittal osteotomy of the jaw and, according to indications, genioplasty on the lower jaw. CONCLUSIONS: Two-jaw orthognatic bone reconstructive operations on the jaws to restore the correct bite have recently been used in the complex medical rehabilitation of patients, especially in adolescents with VGN. At the same time, there are a number of unresolved issues of orthodontic and surgical treatment that require further study. There is a strong need for a clear understanding of the age of planning and timing of such operations considering the stage of completion of skeletal growth. The criteria for the patients readiness for surgery for multiple occlusive contacts also need to be evaluated. It is of paramount importance to determine the order of performing corrective operations on the soft tissues of the face and oral cavity. Hence there is a necessity to develop new methods of reconstructive operations on the jaws.


ECO-Vector LLC


Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Surgery,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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