Possibilities of antenatal pathology diagnostics in women after assisted reproductive technologies


Kamaeva Tat’yana A.


PURPOSE: improving the efficiency of diagnosis of placental insufficiency using modern diagnostic methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The analysis of individual cards, analysis of the gynecological history and somatic morbidity of 426 pregnant women who did not have somatic pathologies and underwent screenings in accordance with the current regulations were performed. The main group of them consisted of 290 women, who showed signs of chronic placental insufficiency at different stages of pregnancy. The control group consisted of 136 women who had no signs of placental insufficiency throughout their pregnancy. RESULTS: It was revealed that the main reasons for the development of chronic placental insufficiency of the main group are preeclampsia (68.4%), the threat of termination of pregnancy (34.7%), burdened obstetric and gynecological history (32.5%), isoserological incompatibility (25.6%), pyelonephritis during pregnancy (14.2%) and anemia of pregnant women (13.2%). It was revealed that visualization of the fetoplacental complex and measurement of peripheral resistance in the umbilical artery during the second trimester of pregnancy are not very informative. To reduce the negative impact of fetoplacental insufficiency and its timely diagnosis, it is necessary to use radiation methods for examining the motherplacentafetus system. CONCLUSIONS: For timely diagnosis of fetoplacental insufficiency and reduction of its negative impact, it is necessary to use radiation methods of studying the mother-placenta-fetus system.


ECO-Vector LLC

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