A major problem in arrhythmology is supraventricular arrhythmias atrial fibrillation. Remodeling of the myocardium and the formation of fibrosis zones are the cause of cardiac arrhythmias. Violations of the extracellular framework of myocardiocytes with the formation of zones of sclerotically altered areas lead to violations of the pulse from the sinoatrial node. The inflammatory reaction, which results in fibrosis, has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of histological examination of lung vein and myocardial tissue samples in patients with rhythm disorders atrial fibrillation. The paper considers the possibility of determining in the blood of patients with atrial fibrillation a highly sensitive C-reactive protein, widely used in clinical practice, as an indicator of the activity of sluggish inflammation in the myocardium with simultaneous determination of the level of vitamin D (25-OH), known, among other things, for its anti-inflammatory effects. The data of the pilot study are presented.
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