INTRODUCTION: Venous thromboembolic complications occupy one of the central positions in the structure of complications associated with CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Characterized by high epidemiological threshold values, as well as an atypical clinical picture, they determine the need for new approaches to early diagnosis and active treatment. Surgical treatment of pulmonary embolism in itself is an extremely controversial method of reperfusion of the pulmonary arterial bed. Concerning pulmonary embolism associated with a new coronavirus infection, we did not find a single clinical case reported in the available literature. The article considers a clinical case of surgical treatment of pulmonary embolism against the background COVID-19 infection, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to treatment and describes peculiarities of the clinical picture.
CONCLUSION: Based on the presented case, one should note the importance of the anticoagulant therapy in a group of people with a virus-specific intervention to prevent recurrence of thromboembolic complications. Complex surgical treatment in combination with the proposed methods of anesthesiological support are the methods of choice in a group of people at intermediate-high and high risk of early cardiac death.