Simultaneous Treatment of Multifocal Gastric and Sigmoid Colon Carcinoma from Laparoscopic Access: A Case Report


Zaytsev Oleg V.ORCID,Ignatov Ivan S.ORCID,Ogorel'tsev Aleksandr Yu.ORCID,Bizyayev Sergey V.ORCID,Evsyukova Mariya A.ORCID,Li Yuliya B.ORCID,Yudin Maksim A.ORCID,Snegur Svetlana V.ORCID,Bragina Irina Yu.ORCID,Korobova Elena G.ORCID


INTRODUCTION: The number of patients with multifocal carcinoma (MFC) in the Russian Federation is growing annually. MFC is associated with the prolongation of the life span of the population, increase in the incidence of common morbidities, and improvement of instrumental diagnostic methods. Surgical treatment is indicated for gastric and colorectal MFC at the early stages. Laparoscopic access with several advantages over the open access is preferred. This article describes a clinical case of simultaneous surgical treatment of gastric and colorectal cancer through a laparoscopic approach in an 81-year-old patient. CONCLUSION: The described clinical case shows that the modern diagnostic methods and surgical equipment permit not only the early identification of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract but also their successful simultaneous surgical treatment in patients with comorbidities.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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