Introduction. Prolactinomas are rarely detected in children and are very often characterized by aggressive growth.
Objective. The aim of the study was to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment with prolactin based on the results of clinical and laboratory studies.
Material and methods. In order to determine clinical, laboratory, hormonal, functional and instrumental markers, 63 patients with microprolactinomas and 53 patients with macroprolactinomas were examined. Some biochemical parameters of blood samples, such as TSH, T4, T3, FSH, LH, GH, IGF, ACTH, cortisol and prolactin were studied in healthy individuals, in patients with microprolactinoma and macroprolactinoma 4 times: 3, 6 and 12 months after the start of treatment with cabergoline.
Results. During the study, it was determined that a mean value of FSH in blood samples obtained during hormonal studies conducted before treatment with cabergoline was 4.94 0.41 IU/L, that is slightly lower than that of healthy women (n = 24) who participated in the study (5.49 0.52 IU/L) (p = 0.4037). Statistical analysis within the 6th month of treatment with the appropriate drug showed a reliable decrease in a mean value of LH hormone to 1.93 0.25 IU / L (p = 0.0002, p1 = 0.0232). In biopsies obtained during this study period, the minimum hormone level was 0.1 IU/L, and the maximum 4.18 IU L.
Conclusions. Thus, the treatment of patients with macro- and microprolactinoma using cabergoline can play an important role in correcting their physical, hormonal and other parameters, and will expand the use of its analogs in practical medicine.