Review of heterozygosity visualization approaches in the context of conservation research


Tomarovsky Andrey A.ORCID,Totikov Azamat A.ORCID,Yakupova Aliya R.ORCID,Graphodatsky Alexander S.ORCID,Kliver Sergei F.ORCID


Estimating heterozygosity levels is one of the key metrics in conservation biology, as it contributes to the correct design of conservation programs for endangered species. With the development of full-genome sequencing technologies, it is now possible to more accurately estimate heterozygosity not only at the organismal level, but also at the population and species level. Modern conservation studies involve the processing of large volumes of full-genomic data, which leads to problems of interpretation and necessitates the study of modern visualization methods for clear and correct presentation of results. In this review, we elaborate on the main types of visualization of heterozygosity level estimates obtained using different approaches. We detail the theory behind each visualization method and discuss their features using examples from studies of non-model species with different conservation status. The review provides insight into the current tools for estimating and subsequently visualizing heterozygosity, as well as current trends in the field.


ECO-Vector LLC


Genetics (clinical),Genetics,Ecology,Biochemistry,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Biotechnology,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis







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